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Cheerleader, Teacher, Doctor, Cop, President
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By Ja'shyra , 8
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on January 1, 2011
Description: A Cheerleader for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
A Teacher for Pittsburgh schools.
A Doctor to help people.
A Cop to work at the Pittsburgh Jail.
A President.
Suggested Stories:
Up at 4 for school
by Marc, 18
Forging Frienships
by Lauren, 18
The Rules That We Follow
by Mitchell, 13
All I see are limitations to education
by Van, 18
My View On The Star System
by Breanna, 11
Classes Based On Student Interests
by Jarred, 17
Rules at My School
by Daniel, 10
You Need Both Punishment And Reward Systems
by Maquis, 16
Pretty Much The Same
by Liam, 7
Technology in School
by Illana , 11
Funding prisons instead of schools
by Jay, 19
Respecting teachers
by Menuka, Unknown
Enough Funding Is Important
by Nia, 13
Letters To The Editor
by Rashay, 15
Ways teachers can build relationships with students
by Ciera, 15
Pittsburgh Promise Ready!
by Chelsey, 9
Equal resources and computers
by Jaquela, 17
Phase 4 Program
by Lexy, 16
Positive Peer Pressure
by Joshua, 13
Ipads and funding
by Brandon, 13
Learning New Things
by Sarah, 13
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18