Preparing To Be A Freshman
Suggested Stories:
What happens when students make bad decisions in school
by Ezra, 6
The Fight
by Saraji, Unknown
Strict And Lenient Teaching Styles Are Both Good
by Matthew, 13
Pittsburgh Promise Ready!
by Chelsey, 9
Boys And Girls Are Equal
by Sydney, 12
Afraid Of What Friends Think
by Joey, 13
I Like Helping People!
by Jadah , 9
Why I Participated In Hear Me
by Matthew, 13
Campaign for Fair Education Funding
by Katherine, 8
Letters To The Editor
by Jazmyne, 15
Bad Decisions Are Not Paying Attention
by Heath, 6
New Years Hopes
by Kevin, 10
What I Like About Kindergarten
by Colt, 6
Dropouts And Losing Hope
by Amber, 13
STEM Careers
by Lindsey, 12
Technology In and Out of School
by Sean, 9
Our Ideas Are as Big as Adult Ideas
by Amma, 15
Stem At My School And Stem In Careers
by Kelsey, 13
by Patience, 17
My Library
by Brooke , Unknown
Standardized tests and funding
by Van, 18
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18