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good vs effective teachers
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By Marc , 18
Recorded at Pittsburgh Public School District on February 28, 2013
Description: Marc describes a "good" teacher, then
describes a teacher he learns the most from
Suggested Stories:
Advice I Would Give My Principal
by Christian, 6
Not enough funding for classes and teachers
by Trenety, 13
Music Program At Lingelbach
by Taelyn, 13
Our Guidance Counselor Is Getting Stressed
by Sean, 17
Alternative Programs
by Emotions, 17
Mapeltown Stereotypes
by Abby, 14
How to address disruption in school
by Siera, 15
No Guns for Security Officers
by Skylar, 15
Anyone Can Do Anything Doesnt Say Name At Start
by Kade, 14
STEM In My School
by Anuskha, 11
Embarassed From The Stoplight Stick
by Natalie, 6
by Gisele, 6
Funding at different schools
by George, 12
Give more funding to low achieving schools
by Grace, 16
How School Funding Affects Police Officers
by Tyler, 16
What I Like About Kindergarten
by Sarah, 5
Enough Funding Is Important
by Nia, 13
We All Have Computers At School
by Medea, 12
Undecided After Shadowing Architects
by Zach, 18
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18