Future Libraries
Suggested Stories:
Shaler is getting Ipads but isn't environmentally friendly
by Ethan, 14
Student Voice will Affect School Culture
by Senque, 15
Student Voices Aren't Valued
by Dynae, 18
Attending Gshs
by Molly, 15
School Procedures
by Lexy , 16
STEM Careers
by Lindsey, 12
My Education
by Megan , Unknown
If They Fund Good Resources Kids Will Do Better In Life
by Devonte, 16
Technology as a resource at my school
by Giulietta, 13
Hate That I Still Think Math Is A Boys Thing
by Ashley, 17
Depends On Person
by Amy, 17
My Thoughts On Common Core And Funding
by Keshon, 17
I Like Exploring The Why
by Kelsey, 13
Threatening To Layoff Teachers Affects Us
by Amber, 13
Girls Are More Pressured
by Alexis, 17
Having Resources Builds Our Self Confidence
by Patrice, 17
Kids at West Philly
by Keith, 16
You start to see things falling apart
by Salma, 17
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18