By Kylie, 12
Recorded at Shaler Middle School on April 16, 2013
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Letters To The Editor
by Jaquay, 14
Cyber School
by Kelly, 14
Equal Opportunities
by Dominick, 17
School to prison pipeline
by Emaya, 17
Good Transportation Helps Us Be Better Students
by Monique, 17
Principals Can Encourage Us By..
by Sophie, 13
Forging Frienships
by Lauren, 18
Technology and class size
by Jason, 13
My Library
by Darien , Unknown
School Reform
by Dominique , 17
Dress Code And Cursing
by Emyluz, 17
Entering High School
by Cassidy, 14
Letters To The Editor
by Shadaha, 14
Time And Resources For Music
by Naomi, 15
Building Problems Affect Testing Scores
by Taelyn, 13
After graduation
by Shalyn, 17
Shaler is getting Ipads but isn't environmentally friendly
by Ethan, 14
Teachers need to treat students with respsect
by Ian, 15
Disparities In Funding
by Denis, 17
Threatening To Layoff Teachers Affects Us
by Amber, 13
Teacher Responsibility
by Keith, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18