How I would like youth and police to act
By Amanda, 15 in Allentown
Recorded at Youthworks on April 02, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
We need another basketball court
by Janara, 10
Unitopia: My Library
by Chloe , Unknown
Differences in wedding celebrations
by Fartuna, 13
About the Fair
by Keyana, 10
Police Improve Communities
by Maria, 10
by Davon, 11
Shovel, Rake, Babysit
by Nahseya, 13
I Lost A Brother
by Gregory, 19
The best thing about Brookline is my friends and family
by Samantha, 12
Brookline Library
by Bryn, 10
Interracial Relationships
by Tucker, 15
Shooting at church and how to help
by Andre, 11
My Library
by Ben , Unknown
Police need to Stop Profiling
by Mimi, 17
Be More Thoughtful About Young People
by Au'sheona, 16
Improving the appearance of Brookline
by Liam, 11
Some Kids Don't Like Police but I Do
by Aniah, 10
Knoxville needs more buildings
by Thomas, 12
My Mom And Me When I Was Older
by Tashay, 4
Police steretype but don't understand how we grow up
by Jamont'e, 18
by Anthony, 16
What I like about Brookline
by Yosafat, 12
Millvale needs more activities for kids
by Mario, 17
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18