If We Had More Books
By Ronnea, 15
Recorded at Amachi Pittsburgh on January 10, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Security officers and teachers with guns
by Makelle, 18
Why I Participated In Hear Me
by Matthew, 13
Men Choose Classes Where They Can Do Stuff
by Ty, 16
Violence in and out of school
by Jayda, 16
Parent Involvement
by Aaliyah, 16
Education Reform
by Jordana, 16
Decisions at School
by Ruby, 6
Being A Freshman At Gshs
by Abby, 15
Dress codes aren't fair for girls
by Obama Student, Unknown
Letters To The Editor
by Jasmine, 15
Thoughts on Westinghouse
by Jamar, 15
I Have an Amazing Mentor
by Jamal, 17
Comfortable at school
by Lauren , 14
Mapeltown Stigma
by Gabby, 14
budget cuts affect ESL students most
by Van, 18
My Education
by Megan , Unknown
School in Nepal vs USA
by Bandhana, 12
Poverty And School To Prison Pipeline
by Norma, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18