A Career Is Loving What You're Doing
by Quinntala, 18
The Police took my Family Members to Jail
by Mimi, 17
How do facebook, twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
Mo... How does social media affect real-world relationships?
by Sam, Unknown
I Wish More People Lived In Brookline
by Marissa, 14
Police Protect and Serve
by Isabella, 10
Eating And Parks
by Bryan, 7
My Future Is My Destiny, Part 1
by Taylor, 18
Brookline Park, Library, and Sidewalks
by Cassie, 12
Improving our community
by Markea, Unknown
My Soup And Sharing
by Paige, 5
We are all Africans
by Siraji, Unknown
Moving from Africa to America
by Sangab, 19
New roads and recycling
by Sierra, 14
by Zoe Haiti, 9
McKeesport Sports
by Dominique, 14
How I would like youth and police to act
by Amanda, 15
Improving Communities Like Wilkinsburg And Greater Pittsburgh
by Rori, 17
Why I want a job
by Lauryn, 15
Obstacles, overcoming and the meaning of success
by Joshlynn, 16